First Name Last Name Attending Guests
Abigail Abraham No
Alexander Alsop Yes 10
Alan Avery Yes 3
Ella Anderson Maybe 6
Alexander Abraham Yes
Emma Avery Maybe 9
Abigail Abraham Yes 7
Andrew Anderson Yes 1
Alexander Ellison Maybe 8

The markup:

<div class="tt-section tt-section-collapse" id="CollapseSection">
  <div class="tt-section-heading">
    <button id="CollapseTrigger">
      <span><span id="CollapseText">Hide</span> Form</span>
      <i class="icon-chevron-down"></i>
  <div class="tt-section-content">
      <Shortcode gravityform id="5" title="false" description="false" ajax="false" tabindex="32" />
<If loop type=gravity_form_entry form_id=5>
  <Table per_page=9 sort=title sort_order=desc>
        <input type="text" action="search" columns="fname,lname,attendance" placeholder="Search">
      <Col name=fname sort_type=string>First Name</Col>
      <Col name=lname sort_type=string>Last Name</Col>
      <Col name=attendance sort_type=string>Attending</Col>
      <Col name=guests sort_type=number>Guests</Col>
      <Col name=details>
    <RowLoop type=gravity_form_entry form_id=5 orderby=date_created order=desc>
      <GField select id=1 value_key=text />
      <GField select id=2 value_key=text />
      <Col><span class="tt-event-attendance" value="{GField select id=3 value_key=value}">
        <GField select id=3 value_key=text />
      <GField id=4 />
      <button onclick="'modal-{Get loop=count}')">Details</button>
      <!-- Modal powered by Micromodal.js -->
      <div class="modal micromodal-slide" id="modal-{Get loop=count}" aria-hidden="true">
        <div class="modal__overlay" tabindex="-1" data-micromodal-close>
          <div class="modal__container" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-labelledby="modal-{Get loop=count}-title">
            <button class="modal__close" aria-label="Close modal" data-micromodal-close></button>
            <header class="modal__header">
            <main class="modal__content" id="modal-{Get loop=count}-content">
                <dt scope="row">First Name</dt>
                  <GField select id=1 value_key=text />
                <dt scope="row">Last Name</dt>
                  <GField select id=2 value_key=text />
                <dt scope="row">Attending</dt>
                <dd><span class="tt-event-attendance" value="{GField select id=3 value_key=value}">
                    <GField select id=3 value_key=text />
                <dt scope="row">Number of Guests</dt>
                  <GField select id=4 value_key=text />
      </div> <!-- / .modal -->
  <If check="{Get loop=previous_total}" more_than value=9>
    <PaginateButtons />
  <Else />
  No listings yet. Add one with the form!